…a little earlier this year, I was talking to the Warp guys about some of the stuff they wanted to do for the Cosmogramma release. They showed me the cover artwork and at the time, I was looking some pictures of solar wind and the Earth’s magnetosphere and it kind of clicked for me that the magnetic field line stuff I’d be playing with before, related to the cover artwork in what I thought was a really intuitive way…
Δεν ξέρω ακριβώς γιατί αλλά μόνη μου δεν βάζω να ακούσω flying lotus. Όταν όμως τον ακούω επειδή τυχαίνει να τον ακούει κάποιος άλλος, μ’ αρέσει πολύ.
–τι είναι αυτό που ακούμε? – flying lotus – τι ωραίος που είναι γαμώτο.
– πάντα αυτό λες.